210 - 206 Wellman Crescent     Saskatoon, SK   S7T 0J1      Aesthetic Consultations & Inquiries - 306.665.5005        Other Inquiries - 306.384.8001




Breast Augmentation


An increasing number of Saskatchewan women are choosing to have breast augmentation, a procedure to improve the size and shape of their breasts using breast implants.  Advanced surgical techniques and improved breast implant technology have given women enhanced results, making breast augmentation an excellent choice for most women.  Each procedure is customized to the woman and their individual breast characteristics and preferences.  This procedure can result in improvements in body proportions, confidence, self-esteem and more options in clothing.  Breast augmentation is one of the most popular procedures

that Dr. Chandran performs.


Breast Implants

Breast augmentation can be done with one of two kinds of implants:


  • Silicone implants
    • Medical grade silicone gel in a silicone shell that has been approved by Health Canada.
    • Have the most natural feel
    • No evidence of any link to breast cancer, connective tissue diseases or autoimmune diseases
    • Silicone implants can be smooth, textured, round or anatomic (tear drop shaped)


  • Saline implants
    • A silicone shell filled with a saltwater solution.



  • Inframammary incision
    • Under the breast
    • Most common incision
    • Not visible if standing


  • Periareolar incision
    • Around the areola (dark part around the nipple)
    • Scar tends to blend well with the areola
    • Can potentially be visible


  • Axillary incision
    • In the arm pit
    • Can be inconspicuous
    • Has a higher risk of an implant that can shift in position and asymmetry


  • Umbilical incision
    • Through the navel
    • High rate of implant malposition


Implant Position

  • Submuscular/Dual Plane
    • Under the pectoralis major muscle


  • Subglandular
    • Under the breast tissue



Surgery and Recovery


The surgery is generally about 2 hours long under general anesthesia and another 1-2 hours in the recovery room to “wake up” from the anesthetic.  This is an outpatient surgery.  There are dissolvable stitches, waterproof skin tapes, gauze dressings and a surgical bra.  You can shower the next day after surgery after taking the gauze and bra off.  Leave the skin tapes on until you see Dr. Chandran.  You must wear the bra for 6 weeks except for showering.  Recovery time is between 2-6 weeks depending on how active your lifestyle is.  You should not do any exercise that involves the upper body for 6 weeks.




Scar – The scars are usually pink and bruised for several weeks.  They will start to fade in a few months until they are quite unnoticeable.  Sometimes, the scars can be slightly raised, wide or sensitive.


Bleeding (hematoma) – It is rare to have bleeding.  Occasionally, we have to return to the operating room to stop any bleeding.


Infection – The risk of infection is about 1% but it can be increased in smokers.  It may require antibiotics and/or more surgery.


Asymmetry– Although Dr. Chandran will try to make the breasts and nipple position symmetrical, it may not be possible to make them identical.  This may be especially true if the breasts are not identical pre-operatively.  In clothes and bathing suits, this asymmetry is rarely noticeable.


Capsular Contracture – The human body will make a scar around all implants.  In approximately 5-15% of implants, the body will make a scar around the implant that is painful, hard and may distort the breast.  Capsular contracture is more likely if there is an infection, bleeding and in smokers. Capsular contracture may be more common with subglandular augmentations and periareolar incisions.  It may be less common with textured implants


Altered nipple sensation – The sensation in the nipple can be decreased or increased.  Most of the time, this is temporary but

rarely, it can be permanent.


Implant rupture, malposition, exposure – Breast implants can rupture, leak, become exposed or shift from the position that they were placed at the time of surgery. This is rare and may need further surgery or removal of the implant to correct it. All breast implants will need to be replaced at some point.  For silicone implants, they will need to be replaced at some point

after 10 years.


Blood Clots – There is a rare risk of forming blood clots in the legs that can travel to the lungs.  This can be life threatening.  Dr. Chandran takes precautions to minimize the risks by applying stockings, calf pumps and possibly giving blood thinners.



Other rare complications may arise and they may be discussed during your consultation.


Dr. Chandran Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery     210 - 206 Wellman Crescent     Saskatoon, SK   S7T 0J1    Aesthetic Consultations & Inquiries - 306.665.5005   Other Inquiries - 306.384.8001    Contact Us