210 - 206 Wellman Crescent     Saskatoon, SK   S7T 0J1      Aesthetic Consultations & Inquiries - 306.665.5005        Other Inquiries - 306.384.8001





A browlift (also called a forehead lift) can lift the eyebrows and rejuvenate the forehead, eyebrows and the area around the eyes. It involves releasing various tissues, including muscles, and correcting the droop of the upper third of the face that occurs with aging.The result is elevation of the brow, shaping of the eyebrow, improvement of the look of the upper eyelid and some improvement in the shape of the lower eyelid.


There are many different types of brow lifts:


  •     Open (coronal) brow lift
    • A browlift done through an incision from ear to ear in the hair.  It gives a comprehensive lift but may give numbness in the scalp.


  •     Hairline (pretrichial) browlift
    • An incision made at the hairline that can lift the brow and may decrease the size of the forehead.


  •     Endoscopic brow lift
    • A browlift performed through 3-5 small incisions in the hair.  It has a decreased risk of numbness in the scalp and less scarring but may not be as comprehensive as other types.


Dr. Chandran usually performs a hairline or open brow lifts depending on what you need.


Surgery and Recovery


Browlifts are performed under a general anesthetic and takes 1-3 hours depending on what is necessary.  The sutures are dissolvable.  There is usually 1 drain that comes out behind your ear.  Ice your face and keep the head of your bed elevated for2 weeks.  You may get bruising around your eyes.  Avoid strenuous activity or exercise for 2 weeks.  Avoid forehead makeup,swimming, hot tubs and saunas for 2 weeks.  Numbness, swelling and inability to move the eyebrows are common but temporary.  Avoid reading and television for 3 days and you may not want to be out in public for 10 days.




Scar – The scars are usually pink and bruised for several weeks.  They will start to fade in a few months until they are quite unnoticeable.  Sometimes, the scars can be slightly raised, wide or sensitive.


Bleeding (hematoma) – It is rare to have bleeding. Occasionally, we have to return to the operating room to stop any bleeding.


Infection – The risk of infection is about 1% but it can be increased in smokers.  It may require antibiotics and/or more surgery.


Scalp Numbness – with any of the types of browlifts, temporary or permanent numbness of the scalp (especially behind the incision) can occur.


Nerve Injury – Rarely, there can be an injury to one of the facial nerve branches that can give an inability to raise the eyebrow. Most of the numbness can improve with time, but very rarely, this can be permanent.



Other rare complications may arise and they may be discussed during your consultation.


Dr. Chandran Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery     210 - 206 Wellman Crescent     Saskatoon, SK   S7T 0J1    Aesthetic Consultations & Inquiries - 306.665.5005   Other Inquiries - 306.384.8001    Contact Us